What are those crazy Cohens up to now?

What are those crazy Cohens up to now?
Champagne on the Beach!

Friday, February 19, 2010

What are those crazy Cohens up to now?

From Brandy: It's 4:32am and I have been up for an hour, unable to sleep. At 3:30am I woke up and started thinking about work and how to make a great presentation for the Gallup Q12 project. I quickly emailed Thomas, our fearless leader, the idea. It's a lot of work, but it will be cool if we do it.

Then I tried to go back to bed, but I started thinking about everything I need to do. What can I do in the dark? What can I do that doesn't require turning all the lights in the bedroom on and making a ton of noise? Oh yes! I want to set up a blog for our adventure. So that is what I did.

This blog, Cohen Central, is written so you can join us on our adventures. :) Our life is full of adventure, fun, and self-inflicted challenges, so check back frequently. :)